Cycle 2 - Module 5 - Lecture 3 - Centenarian longevity factors and psychological attitudes to live longer
- Cycle 2 – Module 5 – Lecture 3 – Centenarian longevity factors and psychological attitudes to live longer (2h59) - 155.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 8,400.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 8,400.00 €
Cycle 2 - Module 5 - Lecture 4 - Centenarian hormone & nutritional levels
- Cycle 2 – Module 5 – Lecture 4 – Centenarian hormone & nutritional levels (1h02) - 155.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 8,400.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 8,400.00 €
Cycle 2 - Module 5 - Lecture 5 - Hormone therapies to live longer: Growth Hormone and Thyroid
- Cycle 2 – Module 5 – Lecture 5 – Hormone therapies to live longer: Growth Hormone and Thyroid (2h34) - 155.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 8,400.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 8,400.00 €
Cycle 2 - Module 5 - Lecture 6 - Hormone therapies to live longer: Melatonin, DHEA, cortisol, aldosterone
- Cycle 2 – Module 5 – Lecture 6 – Hormone therapies to live longer: Melatonin, DHEA, cortisol, aldosterone (1h42) - 155.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 8,400.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 8,400.00 €
Cycle 2 - Module 5 - Lecture 7 - Hormone therapies to live longer: Estrogen & progesterone in women, testosterone in men & women
- Cycle 2 – Module 5 – Lecture 7 – Hormone therapies to live longer: Estrogen & progesterone in women, testosterone in men & women (1h39) - 155.00 €
Cycle 2 - Module 6: Sexual disorders: Hormone therapies; Oxytocin deficiency and treatment
- Cycle 2 – Module 6: Sexual disorders: Hormone therapies - 600.00 €
- Postgraduate e-learning - Cycle 2 | Dr Hertoghe - 7,200.00 €
- Postgraduate Program - Cycle 1 & 2 - 12,000.00 €
Welcome to the sixth module of the second cycle of my postgraduate training! CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT: The content of this course is confidential. It is made available to you, the student, solely for the purpose of becoming certified in the technical area assessed by this module. You are expressly prohibited from disclosing, publishing, reproducing, or …
Cycle 2 - Module 6 - Lecture 1 - Hormone Therapies that improve a man's sexuality
- Cycle 2 – Module 6 – Lecture 1 – Hormone Therapies that improve a Man's sexuality (1h58) - 155.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 8,400.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 2,500.00 €
Cycle 2 - Module 6 - Lecture 2 - Hormone Therapies that improve a Man’s Erectile function & related disorders
- Cycle 2 – Module 6 – Lecture 2 – Hormone Therapies that improve a Man’s Erectile function & related disorders (2h10) - 155.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 8,400.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 2,500.00 €
Cycle 2 - Module 6 - Lecture 3 - Hormone Therapies for Female Sexuality
- Cycle 2 – Module 6 – Lecture 3: Hormone Therapies for Female Sexuality (2h17) - 155.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 2,750.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 8,400.00 €
Cycle 2 - Module 6 - Lecture 4 - Oxytocin deficiency and treatment
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 8,400.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 2,750.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 8,400.00 €
Cycle 2 - Module 6 - Lecture 5 - Patient cases
Cycle 2 – Module 7: Cardiovascular disease and stroke: Hormone therapies
- Postgraduate e-learning - Cycle 2 | Dr Hertoghe - 7,200.00 €
- Postgraduate Program - Cycle 1 & 2 - 12,000.00 €
- Cycle 2 – Module 7: Cardiovascular disease and stroke: Hormone therapies - 900.00 €
Welcome to the seventh module of the second cycle of my postgraduate training! In this module, I shall teach you everything on Cardiovascular disease and stroke: Hormone therapies Click below to see a webinar overview of this brand new module CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT: The content of this course is confidential. It is made available to …
Cycle 2 – Module 7: Cardiovascular disease and stroke: Hormone therapies Read More »
Cycle 2 - Module 7 – Lecture 1 – Hypercholesterolemia: The efficacy of Hormone therapies
- Cycle 2 – Module 7 – Lecture 1 – Hypercholesterolemia: The efficacy of Hormone therapies (2h25) - 155.00 €
- Cycle 2 – Module 7: Cardiovascular disease and stroke: Hormone therapies - 900.00 €
Cycle 2 - Module 7 – Lecture 2 – Serum Triglycerides, Homocystein, Lipoprotein A, excesses: The efficacy of Hormone therapies
- Cycle 2 – Module 7 – Lecture 2 – Serum Triglycerides, Homocystein, Lipoprotein A, excesses: The efficacy of Hormone therapies (2h18) - 155.00 €
- Cycle 2 – Module 7: Cardiovascular disease and stroke: Hormone therapies - 900.00 €
Cycle 2 - Module 7 – Lecture 3 – Arterial Hypertension: The efficacy of Hormone therapies
- Cycle 2 – Module 7 – Lecture 3 – Arterial Hypertension: The efficacy of Hormone therapies (3h21) - 155.00 €
- Cycle 2 – Module 7: Cardiovascular disease and stroke: Hormone therapies - 900.00 €
Cycle 2 - Module 7 – Lecture 4 – Coronary Heart Disease: The Hormone therapies that help prevent & relieve
- Cycle 2 – Module 7 – Lecture 4 – Coronary Heart Disease: The Hormone therapies that help prevent & relieve (2h58) - 155.00 €
- Cycle 2 – Module 7: Cardiovascular disease and stroke: Hormone therapies - 900.00 €
Cycle 2 - Module 7 – Lecture 5 – Cardiac arrhythmia & Heart rate variability: Hormone therapies
- Cycle 2 – Module 7 – Lecture 5 – Cardiac arrhythmia & Heart rate variability: Hormone therapies (2h55) - 155.00 €
- Cycle 2 – Module 7: Cardiovascular disease and stroke: Hormone therapies - 900.00 €
Cycle 2 - Module 7 – Lecture 6 – Heart failure: The efficacy of Hormone therapies
- Cycle 2 – Module 7 – Lecture 6 – Heart failure: The efficacy of Hormone therapies (2h50) - 155.00 €
- Cycle 2 – Module 7: Cardiovascular disease and stroke: Hormone therapies - 900.00 €
Cycle 2 - Module 7 – Lecture 7 – Stroke: Hormone Therapies to prevent or decrease damage of stroke
- Cycle 2 – Module 7 – Lecture 7 – Stroke: Hormone Therapies to prevent or decrease damage of stroke (2h52) - 155.00 €
- Cycle 2 – Module 7: Cardiovascular disease and stroke: Hormone therapies - 900.00 €
Cycle 2 - Module 8 - Weight loss management
- Postgraduate e-learning - Cycle 2 | Dr Hertoghe - 7,200.00 €
- Cycle 2 – Module 8: Weight loss management - 1,600.00 €
- Postgraduate Program - Cycle 1 & 2 - 12,000.00 €
Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Short introduction: Frequency and impact of overweight on health; World’s heaviest persons ever
- Cycle 2 – Module 8 - Weight loss management: Short introduction: Frequency and impact of overweight on health; World’s heaviest persons ever (1h16) - 155.00 €
Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 1 – Lifestyle, sports, and psychology for slimness
- Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 1 – Lifestyle, sports, and psychology for slimness (1h45) - 155.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 8,400.00 €
- Postgraduate Training: Evidence-Based Nutritional Therapy - 1,900.00 €
Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 2 – The best diet to lose weight and to be slim and healthy
- Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 2 – The best diet to lose weight and to be slim and healthy (3h19) - 155.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 8,400.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 2,750.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 2,500.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 8,400.00 €
- Postgraduate Training: Evidence-Based Nutritional Therapy - 1,900.00 €
Video coming soon
Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 3 – Appetite reduction for slimness
- Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 3 – Appetite reduction for slimness (2h05) - 155.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 8,400.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 8,400.00 €
- Postgraduate Training: Evidence-Based Nutritional Therapy - 1,900.00 €
Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 4 – Nutritional supplements to reduce overweight and obesity
- Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 4 – Nutritional supplements to reduce overweight and obesity (2h08) - 155.00 €
- Postgraduate Training: Evidence-Based Nutritional Therapy - 1,900.00 €
Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 5 – Slimming hormone treatments: thyroid, GH IGF-1, testosterone in men
- Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 5 – Slimming hormone treatments: thyroid, GH IGF-1, testosterone in men (2h06) - 155.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 8,400.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 2,500.00 €
Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 6 – Slimming hormone treatments: testosterone, estrogens, and progesterone (in women); cortisol, DHEA, oxytocin, melatonin treatments; Hormone excesses that cause weight gain in men and women
- Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 6 – Slimming hormone treatments: testosterone, estrogens, and progesterone (in women); cortisol, DHEA, oxytocin, melatonin treatments; Hormone excesses that cause weight gain in men and women (1h57) - 155.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 8,400.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 2,750.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 8,400.00 €
Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 7 – Slimming appetite-reducing hormone therapies: GLP-1 and HCG
- Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 7 – Slimming appetite-reducing hormone therapies: GLP-1 and HCG (1h23) - 155.00 €
- Expert Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 8,400.00 €
Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 8 – Slimming appetite-reducing hormone therapies: leptin, CCK, MSH, oxytocin, and TRH; and appetite-increasing hormone excesses, including ghrelin adiponectin
- Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 8 – Slimming appetite-reducing hormone therapies: leptin, CCK, MSH, oxytocin, and TRH; and appetite-increasing hormone excesses, including ghrelin adiponectin (1h40) - 155.00 €
Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 9 – Local fat deposits and water retention: their hormone deficits or excesses, and therapies
- Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 9 – Local fat deposits and water retention: their hormone deficits or excesses, and therapies (1h49) - 155.00 €
Sex hormone therapy after genital cancer in men and women (Testosterone Therapy for Prostate Cancer Patients + Estrogen-Progesterone therapies for women with breast cancer)
- Sex hormone therapy after genital cancer in men and women (Testosterone Therapy for Prostate Cancer Patients + Estrogen-Progesterone therapies for women with breast cancer) - 199.00 €
Testosterone Therapy for Prostate Cancer Patients
- Testosterone Therapy for Prostate Cancer Patients - 155.00 €
Hormone therapies: Potential to improve the physical appearance & signs of hormone deficiencies in adults
- Hormone therapies: Potential to improve the physical appearance & signs of hormone deficiencies in adults - 339.00 €
Estrogen-Progesterone therapies for women with breast cancer
- Estrogen-Progesterone therapies for women with breast cancer - 155.00 €
Reversing Aging with Hormone Therapies
- Reversing Aging with Hormone Therapies - 155.00 €
Module 9 - Lecture 1 - Testosterone deficiency in women: diagnosis and nutritional treatment
- Module 9 - Lecture 1 - Testosterone deficiency in women: diagnosis and nutritional treatment (1h42) - 155.00 €
Module 9 - Lecture 2 - Testosterone deficiency in women: treatment
- Module 9 - Lecture 2 - Testosterone deficiency in women: treatment (3h53) - 155.00 €
Module 8 - Lecture 1 - Testosterone deficiency in men: diagnosis and nutritional treatment
- Module 8 - Lecture 1 - Testosterone deficiency in men: diagnosis and nutritional treatment (2h19) - 155.00 €
- Testosterone deficiency in men: diagnosis and nutritional treatment (2h19) - 155.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 2,500.00 €
Module 8 - Lecture 2 - Testosterone deficiency in men: Treatments
- Module 8 - Lecture 2 - Testosterone deficiency in men: Treatments (3h38) - 155.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 2,500.00 €
Module 8 - Lecture 3 - Adjustments of testosterone therapy to disease in men
- Module 8 - Lecture 3 - Adjustments of testosterone therapy to disease in men (2h55) - 155.00 €
Module 8 - Lecture 4 - Genital cancers and male hormones in men: Management, scientific facts - Pr. Morgentaler
- Module 8 - Lecture 4 - Genital cancers and male hormones in men: Management, scientific facts - Pr. Morgentaler (53 min) - 155.00 €
Module 7 - Lecture 1 - Melatonin deficiency: Diagnosis
- Module 7 - Lecture 1 - Melatonin deficiency: Diagnosis - 155.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 2,500.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 2,750.00 €
Module 7 - Lecture 1 - Melatonin deficiency: Diagnosis
- Module 7 - Lecture 1 - Melatonin deficiency: Diagnosis (1h23) - 155.00 €
Module 7 - Lecture 2 - Melatonin deficiency: Treatment
- Module 7 - Lecture 2 - Melatonin deficiency: Treatment - 155.00 €
- Melatonin supplementation - Melatonin deficiency: Treatment (1h48) - 155.00 €
Module 7 - Lecture 2 - Melatonin deficiency: Treatment
- Module 7 - Lecture 2 - Melatonin deficiency: Treatment (1h48) - 155.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 2,500.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 2,750.00 €
Module 7 - Lecture 3 - Adjusting melatonin treatment to disease
- Module 7 - Lecture 3 - Adjusting melatonin treatment to disease (3h56) - 155.00 €
Module 7 - Lecture 3 - Adjusting melatonin treatment to disease
- Module 7 - Lecture 3 - Adjusting melatonin treatment to disease - 155.00 €
Module 7 - Lecture 4 - Melatonin therapy: Its potential to treat disease
- Module 7 - Lecture 4 - Melatonin therapy: Its potential to treat disease - 155.00 €
Module 7 - Lecture 4 - Melatonin therapy: Its potential to treat disease
- Module 7 - Lecture 4 - Melatonin therapy: Its potential to treat disease (2h) - 155.00 €
Module 6 - Lecture 1 - Hypothyroidism: Diagnosis
- Module 6 - Lecture 1 - Hypothyroidism: Diagnosis (2h20) - 155.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 2,500.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 2,750.00 €
Module 6 - Lecture 2 - Hypothyroidism: Treatments
- Module 6 - Lecture 2 - Hypothyroidism: Treatment (2h34) - 155.00 €
- Thyroid supplementation - Hypothyroidism: Treatment (2h34) - 155.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 2,500.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 2,750.00 €
Module 6 - Lecture 3 - Adjustments of thyroid therapy to disease
- Module 6 - Lecture 3 - Adjustments of thyroid therapy to disease (2h55) - 155.00 €
Module 6 - Lecture 4 - Autoimmune thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism: Diagnosis and treatment
- Module 6 - Lecture 4 - Autoimmune thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism: Diagnosis and treatment (5h48) - 155.00 €
Module 5 - Lecture 1 - Dietary and nutritional supplementations for fatigue
- Module 5 - Lecture 1 - Dietary and nutritional supplementations for fatigue (2h13) - 155.00 €
- Fatigue, Burnout, and post-traumatic brain injury syndrome: dietary and nutritional supplementations for fatigue (2h13) - 155.00 €
Module 5 - Lecture 2 - Hormone supplementations for chronic fatigue syndromes, part 1
- Module 5 - Lecture 2 - Hormone supplementations for chronic fatigue syndromes, part 1 (1h54) - 155.00 €
Module 5 - Lecture 3 - Hormone supplementations for chronic fatigue syndromes, part 2
- Module 5 - Lecture 3 - Hormone supplementations for chronic fatigue syndromes, part 2 (1h46) - 155.00 €
Module 5 - Lecture 4 - Burnout syndrome: Hormone and nutritional supplementations
- Module 5 - Lecture 4 - Burnout syndrome: Hormone and nutritional supplementations (1h59) - 155.00 €
Module 4 - Lecture 1 Female hormone deficiency: Diagnosis
- Module 4 - Lecture 1 - Female hormone deficiency: diagnosis (2h) - 155.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 2,750.00 €
Module 4 - Lecture 2 Female hormone deficiency: Hormone and nutritional treatments
- Module 4 - Lecture 2 - Female hormone deficiency: hormone and nutritional treatments (2h05) - 155.00 €
- Female hormone disorders: nutritional treatments (2h05) - 155.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 2,750.00 €
Module 4 - Lecture 3 Female hormone disorders: Hormone and nutritional treatments
- Module 4 - Lecture 3 - Female hormone therapy adjustments: how to solve problems & Special cases (2h40) - 155.00 €
- Female hormone supplementation (estrogen & progesterone) in pre- and post-menopause : nutritional treatments (2h40) - 155.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 2,750.00 €
Module 4 - Lecture 4 Genital cancers and female hormones in women: Management, scientific facts (Dr. Armando Farmini)
- Module 4 - Lecture 4 - Genital cancers and female hormones in women: Management, scientific facts (Dr. Armando Farmini) (58 min) - 155.00 €
Module 3 - Lecture 1 Reversing physical aging; Dietary, environmental and nutritional therapies
- Module 3 - Lecture 1 - Reversing physical aging: dietary, environmental and nutritional therapies (2h11) - 155.00 €
- Reversing physical aging; Dietary, environmental and nutritional therapies (2h11) - 155.00 €
Module 3 - Lecture 2 Reversing physical aging: Basic hormone therapies
- Module 3 - Lecture 2 - Reversing physical aging: Basic hormone therapies (2h04) - 155.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 2,500.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 2,750.00 €
Module 3 - Lecture 3 Reversing physical aging: Systemic and topical hormone therapies
- Module 3 - Lecture 3 - Reversing physical aging: systemic and topical hormone therapies (1h54) - 155.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Men - 2,500.00 €
- Basic Level Certification: Hormone Therapies for Pre- and Postmenopausal Women - 2,750.00 €
Module 3 - Lecture 4 Reversing the aging of the 5 senses with hormone and nutritional therapies
- Module 3 - Lecture 4 - Reversing the aging of the 5 senses with hormone and nutritional therapies (2h30) - 155.00 €
- Reversing the aging of the 5 senses with hormone and nutritional therapies (2h30) - 155.00 €
Module 3 - Lecture 5 Restoring scalp hair aging and disorders with hormone therapies
- Module 3 - Lecture 5 - Restoring scalp hair aging and disorders with hormone therapies (2h05) - 155.00 €
Module 3 - Lecture 6 Reversing face and skin aging with hormone therapies
- Module 3 - Lecture 6 - Reversing face and skin aging with hormone therapies (2h10) - 155.00 €
Module 3 - Lecture 7 Reversing neck, chest, abdomen, back, and arm aging with hormone therapies
- Module 3 - Lecture 7 - Reversing neck, chest, abdomen, back, and arm aging with hormone therapies (2h04) - 155.00 €
Module 3 - Lecture 8 Reversing leg, pelvis and genital aging with hormone therapies
- Module 3 - Lecture 8 - Reversing leg, pelvis and genital aging with hormone therapies (2h15) - 155.00 €
Module 2 - Lecture 1 Inflammation and inflammatory disorders: Dietary, environmental and nutritional therapies
- Module 2 - Lecture 1 - Inflammation and inflammatory disorders: dietary, environmental and nutritional therapies (2h37) - 155.00 €
- Inflammation with nutritional therapies (2h37) - 155.00 €
Module 2 - Lecture 2 Inflammation and inflammatory disorders: Thymosin-alpha-1, thyroid, and adrenal hormone therapies
- Module 2 - Lecture 2 - Inflammation and inflammatory disorders: thymosin-alpha-1, thyroid, and adrenal hormone therapies (2h17) - 155.00 €
Module 2 - Lecture 3 Inflammation and inflammatory disorders: Melatonin, IGF-1, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone therapies
- Module 2 - Lecture 3 - Inflammation and inflammatory disorders: melatonin, IGF-1, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone therapies (2h13) - 155.00 €
Module 1 - Lecture 1 Dietary, environmental and lifestyle therapies
- Module 1 - Lecture 1 - Infection: dietary, environmental and lifestyle therapies (2h20) - 155.00 €
- Immunity with Nutritional Therapies : Dietary, environmental, and lifestyle therapies (2h20) - 155.00 €
Module 1 - Lecture 2 Nutritional therapies
- Module 1 - Lecture 2 - Infection: nutritional therapies (2h15) - 155.00 €
- Immunity with Nutritional Therapies (2h15) - 155.00 €
Module 1 - Lecture 3 Thymosin-alpha-1 and thyroid therapies
- Module 1 - Lecture 3 - Infection: thymosin-alpha-1 and thyroid therapies (2h20) - 155.00 €
Module 1 - Lecture 4 Cortisol and DHEA therapies
- Module 1 - Lecture 4 - Infection: cortisol and DHEA therapies (2h20) - 155.00 €
Module 1 - Lecture 5 Melatonin, growth hormone, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone and vasopressin therapies
- Module 1 - Lecture 5 - Infection: melatonin, growth hormone, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone and vasopressin therapies (2h05) - 155.00 €
Nutritional Program
- Postgraduate Training: Evidence-Based Nutritional Therapy - 1,900.00 €
- EBNT Posgrado diploma de WOSAAM - 1,600.00 €
- Postgraduate Training: Evidence-Based Nutritional Therapy en Français - 1,600.00 €
Replay of the webinar on Nutritional Therapies (English) Replay of the webinar on Nutritional Therapies (Spanish)
Module 1 - Immunology, Inflammation & inflammatory disorders
- Module 1 - Immunology - 750.00 €
The first module on immunology, Inflammation & inflammatory disorders is composed of 8 lectures and will start in October and will last 2-months. Get more information during my free live webinar, October 6th: register now!
Examination – Board Certification in Anti-Aging Medecine
The Board Certification in Anti-Aging Medicine is the official basic certification for physicians of the World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (WOSAAM), which has over 8,000 member physicians.
View a FREE online video course
- NEW: View a short online video course - 0.00 €
Now you can watch a free online video course to see how it works. Our online school is providing video courses based on PowerPoint presentations next to a small window featuring a lecture by Dr Hertoghe himself. This format creates a kind of animation, as if you were attending the seminar in person. Participants can watch the videos online at their convenience from any location and at any time. It's really simple, totally free and without any engagement! Click on the subject you want below:
Reversing Obesity with Nutritional and Hormone Therapies
- Reversing Obesity with Nutritional and Hormone Therapies - 299.00 €
Longevity & Centenarian Workshop
Prenatal & Pediatric Hormone Therapies
- Prenatal & Pediatric Hormone Therapies - 399.00 €
Male & Female Disorders: Hormone Therapies
- Male & Female Disorders: Hormone Therapies - 339.00 €
Aesthetical Hormone Therapies
- Aesthetical Hormone Therapies - 399.00 €
Genital & Other Cancers: Nutritional Therapies
- Genital & Other Cancers: Nutritional Therapies - 249.00 €
Diabetes: Nutritional Therapies
- Diabetes: Nutritional Therapies - 159.00 €
Bone Hormone Therapies
- Bone Hormone Therapies - 79.00 €
Rheumatoid Disorders: Hormone Therapies
- Rheumatoid Disorders: Hormone Therapies - 399.00 €
Cardiovascular Diseases: Hormone Therapies
Diabetes: Hormone Therapies
- Diabetes: Hormone Therapies - 249.00 €
Obesity: Basic Hormone Therapies
- Obesity: Basic Hormone Therapies - 339.00 €
Neurological Diseases: Hormone Therapies
- Neurological Diseases: Hormone Therapies - 249.00 €
Psychic Disorders: Basic Hormone Therapies
- Psychic Disorders: Basic Hormone Therapies - 299.00 €
Diseases: Hormone Therapies to Cure or Prevent
Sex Hormone Excess: Therapies
- Sex Hormone Excess: Therapies - 249.00 €
Thyroid & Parathyroid Excess: Therapies
- Thyroid & Parathyroid Excess: Therapies - 159.00 €
Pituitary-Pineal-Adrenal-Pancreatic Excess: Therapies
- Pituitary-Pineal-Adrenal-Pancreatic Excess: Therapies - 339.00 €
Relaxin & EPO Therapies
- Relaxin & EPO Therapies - 159.00 €