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The Evidence-Based Nutritional Medicine Therapy

The Evidence-based Nutritional Medicine Therapy by Dr Hertoghe Medical School.

This postgraduate training program is strongly evidence-based, updated, practical, and highly interactive through live webinars and prerecorded videos.




The fee for the Postgraduate Program: Evidence-based Nutritional Therapy (which includes the learning material online videos and Powerpoint slides PDFs) is €1600, consisting of 11 video courses (more than 26 hours).


Why should you as a physician or other health professional get the Board Certification in Nutritional Medicine?

+ To improve your skills in nutritional therapies.
+ To improve your knowledge and skills in nutritional therapies based on a scientifically well-referenced textbook.
+ To get you an official certification for these medical skills in Nutritional Medicine, acknowledged by the World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (WOSAAM) and its president, Dr. Thierry Hertoghe.
+ To raise enthusiasm: it is a pleasure for physicians and other health professionals to feel they master the basic and many advanced skills in Nutritional Medicine.
+ To join the movement of more than 7000 members of the World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine.


Conditions for the Board Certification in Nutritional Medicine Therapy

1. Register online: https://hertoghemedicalschool.eu/ebnt/ 
2. Payment (Payment possible by bank transfer or PayPal)
3. University medical doctor’s license/diploma or registration in the medical board or nutritionist or other (University or non-University) health professional’s certificate: Copy to send to office@hertoghe.eu
4. Quizzes: 70% or more of the points must be obtained to pass the lessons successfully.


For further information and/or query, you are welcome to send an e-mail to: 

📩 medschool@hertoghe.eu
📲 WhatsApp: +352 621 204 289


Contact us to get in-depth information about the board certifications and to register for the board certifications (fees include exams).

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