Psychic Disorders: Basic Hormone Therapies

Psychic Disorders: Basic Hormone Therapies

Extensive information on hormone therapy for psychological disorders such as fatigue, depression, anxiety, low-stress resistance, burnout, autism, attention deficit disorder, sleep disorders, and sexual dysfunction.

  • Information on each psychological disorder.
  • The similarities in symptoms and physical signs of these disorders with signs and symptoms of deficiencies in growth hormone, oxytocin, melatonin, thyroid, IGF-1, cortisol, pregnenolone, DHEA, aldosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and/or testosterone.
  • Scientific studies show that deficiencies in these hormones increase the incidence of a psychological disorder or aggravate its severity.
  • At the end of each presentation one or more tables with overviews of the major hormone therapies that may reduce the risk or severity of the disease are presented: products, doses, the best route of administration, the potency of each hormone therapy in reversing the psychic disorder and whenever possible the time necessary before improvement.



Overview and detailed information on which hormone therapies may successfully reduce the incidence or severity or even cure a psychological disorder and which ones have the greatest efficacy. Indispensable information for any physician who prescribes hormone therapies due to the great frequency of psychological complaints and disorders at the office.




  1. Fatigue Hormone therapies part 1
  2. Fatigue Hormone therapies part 2
  3. Depression Hormone therapies
  4. Anxiety Hormone therapies
  5. Stress resistance Hormone therapies
  6. Autism Hormone therapies
  7. Attention deficit disorder Hormone therapies
  8. Sleep disorders Hormone therapies
  9. Sexual dysfunction in men – Hormone therapies other than testosterone
  10. Boosting sexual potency in men with testosterone
  11. Boosting sexual potency in women with testosterone


Startling information on how to relief psychological disorders with hormone therapies

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  • Reference: H025.