Cycle 2 – Module 7 – Lecture 2 – Serum Triglycerides, Homocystein, Lipoprotein A, excesses: The efficacy of Hormone therapies (2h18)


This instructive and information-rich video lecture offers new insights and solutions in the treatment of lipid disorders by correcting hormone deficiencies with hormone supplements in many cases as good or sometimes even better than statins.


Thyroid therapy may, for example, reduce serum levels of serum triglycerides up to -60%, serum homocysteine up to -45% and serum lipoprotein a up to -35% in hypothyroid patients. Transdermal estradiol supplementation may reduce serum triglycerides up to – 35%, serum homocysteine by -10%, but has no effect on serum lipoprotein a in women. Iin contrast, oral estrogens, especially conjugated estrogens, tend to increase the triglyceridemia and the homocysteinemia up to +35%, but may slightly reduce the serum lipoproteinemia a. Testosterone supplementation in men may reduce the serum triglyceride level by -10%, as well as serum homocysteine (but, for the homocysteine, there are contradictory studies), and seems to be able to reduce serum lipoprotein a considerably in several but not all smaller studies. Growth hormone injections may significantly reduce serum triglycerides and serum homocysteine, but there are some conflicting results on their effect on serum lipoprotein a, whereas IGF-1 tends to reduce serum lipoprotein a up to -35%. Melatonin treatment has shown to reduce the triglyceridemia and homocysteinemia but only at supraphysiological doses. Oxytocin and DHEA may have some minor beneficial effects in these lipid and amino acid disorders.


The observational studies and randomized controlled trials showing all these links and the possible efficacy of the above-mentioned hormone therapies in these various lipid and amino acid disorders are discussed. Practical tips to apply in practice are provided.


This session is rich in pictures and scientific data.

The content is a video of 2h18, a PDF presentation file, a PDF references.

  • The 8 hormone therapies that reduce excessive serum levels of triglycerides, homocysteine, and lipoprotein a, the best
    • Thyroid
    • Estrogens (in particular, transdermal estradiol)
    • Testosterone
    • GH (growth hormone)
    • IGF-1
    • Melatonin
    • DHEA
    • Oxytocin (to reduce serum triglycerides)
  • The scientific studies
  • Practical tips, doses
  • A PDF list of scientific studies showing associations between low hormone levels and these various lipid and amino acid disorders is provided.
  • An abundant list of trials where hormone treatments reduce these type of lipid and amino acid disorders is provided.


Educational outcome:

Transmission of knowledge on which hormone deficiencies may facilitate or even cause serum triglycerides, homocysteine, and lipoprotein a to increase, and how hormone supplementations may reduce their excessive levels.


Learning outcomes:

  • The physician should have learned to detect the hormone deficits that cause or aggravate these lipid and amino acid disorders in patients.
  • The physician should have learned to differentiate clinically (symptomatically) which hormone deficiency is behind such lipid disorders by knowing more about the somatic effects of these hormones.
  • The physician should have learned to treat the hormone deficiency and even be able to finetune the doses to the needs and degree of lipid or amino acid disorder of his or her patients.
  • The physician should have learned more about the scientific studies that support this information, including double-blind placebo-controlled trials.


In this 2h18 lesson, immerse yourself in new insights and innovative solutions for the treatment of lipid disorders with hormone supplements, which can offer viable alternatives to traditional treatments like statins, sometimes yielding comparable or even superior results.

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