Cycle 2 – Module 7 – Lecture 4 – Coronary Heart Disease: The Hormone therapies that help prevent & relieve (2h58)


This captivating video lecture offers new insights and solutions in the treatment of coronary heart disease and its most dangerous cardiac event, myocardial infarction, by correcting hormone deficiencies with hormone supplements. In many cases as good or sometimes better than traditional cardiac drugs, even in acute cardiac events.

Thyroid treatment, for example, can substantially prevent or block coronary atherosclerosis. High doses of testosterone, growth hormone, melatonin, glucocorticoids, and in animal experiences T3, can, on the other hand, considerably reduce the infarct zone in myocardial infarction in humans and animals.

Women who take transdermal estradiol seem relatively protected against coronary heart disease. High levels of DHEA can reduce coronary heart disease and cardiac mortality. Many studies show association of low levels of all these hormones with an increased incidence of ischemic heart disease.

Trials showing beneficial effects of hormone supplements to prevent or reduce coronary heart disease also exist and are discussed in this session with practical tips on how to adapt hormone treatments to coronary artery disease.

Some caution is recommended when using thyroid therapy in cardiac patients, whereas for anabolic hormones, such as testosterone, growth hormone and melatonin, higher doses are often recommended in acute cardiac conditions. This information together with much more is detailed with clarity and in a practical how to do manner throughout this session.

This session is rich in pictures and scientific data.


Content is one video of 2h58, a PDF presentation file, a PDF references on:

| The 7 major hormone therapies that may prevent or reduce coronary heart disease

      • Testosterone in men in acute and chronic conditions
      • Thyroid for prevention, rarely for acute conditions
      • GH (growth hormone)
      • IGF-1
      • Transdermal estradiol in women
      • DHEA
      • Melatonin

| Other hormone therapies that may prevent or reduce coronary heart disease or its consequence, angina pectoris: progesterone, and oxytocin

| Hormone excesses that may facilitate or cause coronary heart disease, oral estrogens, cortisol excess

Educational outcome:

Transmission of knowledge on which hormone deficiencies may facilitate or even cause coronary heart disease, and how hormone supplementations may reduce this disease.


Learning outcomes:

  • The physician should have learned to detect the hormone deficit(s) that cause or increase coronary heart disease in patients.
  • The physician should have learned to differentiate clinically (symptomatically) which hormone deficiency is behind coronary heart disease by recognizing other signs of symptoms, of the causative hormone deficiency in the patient.
  • The physician should have learned to treat the hormone deficiency and even be able to finetune the doses to the needs and degree of coronary heart disease of his or her patient
  • In particular, the physicians should have learned how to manage with hormone supplements myocardial infarction.


In this 2h58 lesson, discover new insights and solutions in the treatment of coronary heart disease and its most dangerous cardiac event, myocardial infarction, by correcting hormone deficiencies with hormone supplements.

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