Cycle 2 – Module 7 – Lecture 5 – Cardiac arrhythmia & Heart rate variability: Hormone therapies (2h55)


This important video lecture offers new insight and solutions in the treatment of heart rhythm disturbances and heart failure by correcting hormone deficiencies with hormone supplements.

The appearance of cardiac arrhythmia during surgery, for example, is the great fear of all surgeons and anesthesiologists as it is not easy to treat and may have a fatal outcome. The good news is that melatonin and testosterone may help prevent this when administered as a chronic treatment or when solely given just before and during surgery. Of the two, melatonin is the safest to administer even at very high doses. Nutritional supplements, such as magnesium and coenzyme Q10, also may help prevent cardiac arrhythmia and can be acutely given with beneficial effects. Both hypo- and hyperthyroidism can cause cardiac arrhythmia so that the guideline for physicians is to find the right balance.

Recurrent or permanent tachycardia Is a frequent complaint in the general doctor’s office and may be caused by stress and hormone excesses, such as hyperthyroidism, or hormone deficiencies, such as cortisol deficiency, or nutritional deficiencies, such as magnesium deficiency. Bradycardia, on the other hand, is typical for hypothyroidism. How to discriminate between the different causes and what to do with them is treated in this session.

Heart failure is probably often due to chronic hormone deficiencies so that in acute heart failure the first treatment next to cardiac medications is to correct the underlying hormone deficit(s). Testosterone, growth hormone are probably the most hormone therapies of heart failure. Transdermal estradiol in women and a cautious low-dosed thyroid therapy in both sexes are recommended treatments in patients with the corresponding hormone deficiencies.

Attractive and informative pictures together with scientific data and practical tips make of this session a must to attend video.

Content is one video of 2h55, a PDF presentation file, a PDF references on:

| The 4 major hormone therapies that may prevent or reduce cardiac arrhythmia are:

  • Testosterone
  • Melatonin
  • Thyroid
  • Cortisol


| Other hormone therapies that may prevent or reduce arterial hypertension: DHEA, transdermal estradiol

| Nutritional therapies that may reduce cardiac arrhythmia are CoQ10, magnésium

| Hormone excesses that may facilitate or cause cardiac arrhythmia: hyperthyroidism, cortisol excess

| Hormone and nutritional causes of tachycardia and bradycardia and what to do with them

| The 5 major hormone therapies that may prevent or reduce heart failure

  • Testosterone
  • GH (growth hormone)
  • IGF-1
  • Thyroid
  • Transdermal estradiol


| Other hormone therapies that may prevent or reduce heart failure: DHEA, melatonin, cortisol and other glucocorticoids (in the acute phase)

|Hormone excess that may facilitate or cause heart failure: hyperthyroidism

| Abundant scientific studies

| Many pictures

| Practical tips, doses

| Spirituality to reduce heart failure

Educational outcome:

Transmission of knowledge on which hormone deficiencies may facilitate or even cause cardiac arrhythmia, tachycardia, bradycardia, and heart failure, and how hormone supplementations may reduce these disorders.


Learning outcomes:

  • The physician should have learned to detect the hormone deficits that cause heart rate disturbances and heart failure in patients.
  • The physician should have learned to differentiate clinically (symptomatically) and by laboratory tests which hormone deficiency is behind cardiac arrhythmia, tachycardia, and heart failure, also by recognizing other signs of symptoms of the causative hormone deficiency in the patient.
  • The physician should have learned more about how to treat the hormone deficiency and even have become able to finetune the doses to the needs and degree of abnormal heart rhythm or heart failure of his or her patient.
  • The physician should have learned more about the scientific studies that support this information, including double-blind placebo-controlled trials.


In this 2h55 lesson, discover new insights and solutions in the treatment of heart rhythm disturbances and heart failure by correcting hormone deficiencies with hormone supplements.

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