Cycle 2 – Module 2 – Lecture 6 – Patient cases (58 min)

Through the presentation of various patient cases, physicians have the opportunity to put their learning into practice and gain valuable experience in identifying deficiencies in cortisol, DHEA, aldosterone, and pregnenolone. By carefully analyzing medical histories, symptoms, signs, and laboratory test results, physicians enhance their diagnostic skills and competence in selecting appropriate hormone supplementation for each patient.

These patient cases are invaluable components of the module, providing practical insights into the application of theoretical concepts and recommendations covered in earlier sessions. They bridge the gap between theory and practice, offering real-world scenarios that reinforce understanding and facilitate the translation of knowledge into clinical decision-making. Ultimately, these cases empower physicians to deliver more effective and tailored treatment plans, improving patient outcomes and quality of care.


This course includes 1 video and 1 PDF presentation.

For more information or inquiries, please contact us at


This 58 minutes lecture serves as a culmination of the knowledge gained from previous modules on adrenal hormone treatment.

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