In this lecture, you will learn about nutritional therapies, systemic and topical hormones to achieve a slim and firm body, addressing various areas:
- Neck: Loose skin folds, goiter
- Chest: Reversing gynecomastia (men); small or droopy breasts (women)
- Abdomen: Reversing bloating, obese or droopy abdomen,
- Back: droopy muscles, sarcopenia, fat accumulation, bison hump
- Trunk; thinness, sagging skin
- Arms: Reversing fatty, droopy or atrophic arms, sagging triceps, elbow
- Hands: fingernail abnormalities palm atrophy and wrinkling, Dupuytren syndrome, swollen hands, dehydrated skin, and many more
- Clinical case of a patient
Spanish subtitles are available for this lecture.
This course includes 1 video, 1 PDF presentation, 1 PDF with references, and 1 quiz.
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155.00 €
In this 2h04 lecture, you will learn more about appropriate nutritional and hormone therapies to achieve a slim and firm body working more precisely on the neck, chest, abdomen, back, trunk, arms, and hands. Spanish subtitles are available for this lecture.