Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 1 – Lifestyle, sports, and psychology for slimness (1h45)

Content is one video of 1h45, a PDF presentation file, and PDF references on:

  • How to communicate with overweight patients: correct wording, positive messages, avoiding erroneous and negative messages, etc.
  • What information to provide them: on weight, diet, appetite control, sports activity, etc.
  • Lifestyle and psychological weight loss programs
  • Personality characteristics of people with higher weight
  • The scientific studies that support the information



This video lecture provides insight into the psychology of patients with overweight: their mental problems, weight over- and underestimations, erroneous beliefs, loneliness, hypersensitivity, concerns about what others think of them, distress, depressive feelings, frustrations, and the tendency to eat in stressful conditions.

To encourage people with weight excess to lose weight, it is essential to talk to them in a neutral way, avoiding sensitive terms and wording as well as negative messages. This becomes even more important in massively overweight individuals who have several erroneous beliefs that hinder progress.

What dietary changes (ways to chew, focus on food, etc.) to introduce and how much, how long, and which sports activity to choose to increase calorie breakdown and weight loss are discussed based on scientific studies. Much data on the impact of walking, running, cycling, swimming and other physical activities on calorie consumption and weight loss are overviewed in detail.

The impact of lifestyle changes, commercial and institutional weight loss programs, psychotherapy, and even religion on weight are presented.


Educational outcome:

To transmit knowledge on the mentality of people with overweight, how to speak diplomatically to them, how to inform them on how to eat and lose weight as well as the advantages and limitations of sports on weight loss.


Learning outcomes:

Physicians learn:

  1. How to communicate better with overweight patients desiring to lose weight
  2. How to provide adequate information to their patients on which are the better psychological attitudes and lifestyle changes to implement to obtain weight loss
  3. The importance of weight management programs and to do a regular follow-up
  4. More about scientific studies that support this information


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  • Reference: C2_M8_L1.