Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 10 – Patient Cases (0h51)

Content is one video of 51 minutes and a PDF presentation file on:

Four cases of patients who are overweight or obese are presented with pictures, medical history, physical examination, laboratory tests, hormone treatments, and outcome.


This session permits the application of all the knowledge learned in the other sessions of the module with hormone treatments.

It helps physicians apply their knowledge and acquire experience in diagnosing hormone deficiencies and excesses associated with being overweight and obesity based on medical history, symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests. The physician also increases his know-how and competence in selecting the adequate hormone supplementations for his patient. Patient cases are a must for the module, as they provide the most practical information on how to apply the theory and recommendations proposed in the previous sessions.


Educational outcome:
To transmit knowledge on how to diagnose and treat the hormone deficiencies that may be behind overweight and obesity.


Learning outcomes:
The physician learns

  1. How to put all the information on obesity and hormone therapies contained in this module into practice.
  2. How to adjust his hormone therapy expertise to the specific needs of overweight patients and overcome pitfalls in hormone therapy (as practice differs from theory).

How to deal with obesity successfully with hormone supplements in hormone-deficient patients.


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  • Reference: C2_M8_L10.