Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 8 – Slimming appetite-reducing hormone therapies: leptin, CCK, MSH, oxytocin, and TRH; and appetite-increasing hormone excesses, including ghrelin adiponectin (1h40)

Content is one video of 1h40, a PDF presentation file, and PDF references on:

  • Hormone therapies that reduce appetite, and thereby can reduce weight:
    • Leptin
    • Cholecystokinin
    • MSH derivatives
    • Oxytocin
    • TRH
  • Hormone excesses that can increase weight: ghrelin, adiponectin
  • Practical tips, doses
  • The scientific studies
    • A list of references of scientific studies showing associations between low or high levels of these hormones and obesity
    • A list of references of the trials where these hormone treatments reduced weight and/or improved body composition


This enlightening video lecture offers new insight in how to reduce appetite disorders and the subsequent weight gain with hormone therapies and/or by reducing hormone excesses.

Leptin is a strong appetite reducer (anorexic agent) in people with leptin deficiency but it is not easily available. Cholecystokinin, another appetite-reducing hormone, is not commonly used for weight management but offers promises. MSH derivatives may also be efficient but may excessively darken the skin. Oxytocin treatment has been reported to reduce sweet cravings. TRH is an appetite-reducer but also appears to improve health and longevity as reported in rodents.

Ghrelin triggers a voracious appetite and the various way to reduce or block its secretion, including by adapting one’s lifestyle, are reviewed. Some information is also provided on the appetite-stimulating hormone adiponectin.

This session is illustrated with many pictures, practical tips, and scientific references.


Educational outcome:
To transmit knowledge on various hormone deficiencies and excesses that may facilitate or even cause appetite disorders, and how to correct these hormone dysfunctions.


Learning outcomes:
The physician learns

  1. How to recognize clinically which patients may respond to treatments with leptin, cholecystokinin, MSH derivatives, oxytocin, and TRH
  2. How to differentiate the weight-reducing effects of each of these hormone therapies
  3. How to treat with leptin, cholecystokinin, MSH derivatives, oxytocin, and TRH: efficient doses, routes of administration, duration of treatment, etc.
  4. How to reduce the secretions of ghrelin and adiponectin
  5. More about scientific studies that support this information, including double-blind placebo-controlled trials.


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  • Reference: C2_M8_L8.