Cycle 2 – Module 8 – Lecture 9 – Local fat deposits and water retention: their hormone deficits or excesses, and therapies (1h49)

Content is one video of 1h49, a PDF presentation file, and PDF references on:

  • How to do an efficient physical examination of overweight persons
  • Areas of local fat deposit due to hormone deficiencies (GH, IGF-1, testosterone, thyroid, progesterone, DHEA, etc.) and hormone excesses (estradiol predominance, cortisol excess, hyperinsulinemia: obese face, obese cheeks and chin, fat on the lower back of the neck, on the back, chest, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, lower legs, and feet)
  • Areas of local swelling (water retention) and their hormone deficiencies (thyroid, progesterone, etc.) and hormone excesses (GH, IGF-1, estradiol, testosterone, cortisol, aldosterone, vasopressin, etc.): swollen face, hands, breasts, abdomen, lower legs, ankles, and feet.
  • Many pictures
  • Practical tips and doses



 This instructive video lecture reviews the local effects of hormone deficiencies and excesses on fat and water masses.

Several hormone deficiencies produce fat accumulation in specific areas of the body, and in some areas more than others. These local fat deposits reflect hormone deficits or excesses. A careful examination of the overweight body includes looking for local areas of fat accumulation. Growth hormone deficiency in both sexes and testosterone deficiency in men, for example, allow for more fat accumulation in the abdominal area, particularly visceral fat accumulation. Cortisol excess produces more fat accumulation on the lower part of the neck, the back, and sides of the trunk. Insulin excess favors fat accumulation on the face, buttocks, and thighs. Estradiol predominance over progesterone provides breast, abdominal, and hip fat accumulation.

Hormone deficiencies and excesses may also cause localized swelling by water retention. Hypothyroidism favors myxedema and water retention on the face, calves, hands, and feet upon awakening. Progesterone deficiency makes premenopausal women with sufficient estradiol in the premenstrual period swell in the breasts and abdomen. Growth hormone and IGF-1 excesses make patients swell on extremities (beginning with the feet, then hands, and if prolonged GH excess, also on the face, 24 hours on 24 hours). Estradiol excess preferably makes women swell in the breasts and abdomen in the premenstrual period, whereas testosterone excess usually starts with feet edema and is apparent day and night. Aldosterone excess makes both feet and ankles swell at the end of the day, but may extend to hand swelling.

More information is included in this session, specifically information on what causes sarcopenia and what to do about it. Hormone therapies that may reverse sarcopenia are, among others, GH, IGF-1, testosterone, and DHEA, and in thin persons, insulin.

Attractive and informative pictures together with scientific data and practical tips make this video session a must to attend.


Educational outcome:

To transmit knowledge on which hormone deficiencies and excesses may facilitate or even cause localized fat accumulations, and how hormone supplementations may restore a more harmonized body without excessive fat deposits.


Learning outcomes:

The physician learns

  1. How to detect the hormone deficits and excesses that cause or increase localized fat deposits
  2. How to differentiate clinically (symptomatically) which hormone deficiency is behind localized fat accumulations by recognizing the area of fat accumulation and other signs of symptoms of the hormone deficiency
  3. How to treat the hormone deficiency that causes a patient’s specific fat depots and even be able to finetune the hormone therapy doses to the patient’s needs and degree of fat accumulation
  4. More about the scientific studies that support this information


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  • Reference: C2_M8_L9.