Cycle 2 – Module 4 – Psychological & psychiatric disorders: Anxiety – Depression – Low-stress resistance – psychosis, etc.: Hormone therapies

The fourth module on psychological & psychiatric disorders consists of 6 courses and 15h11 of videos.
Each of the six courses is available for life, including 1 video lecture, 1 PDF learning support, and 1 scientific reference file.


Each course can be purchased individually by clicking on the titles below.

  1. Anxiety disorders: Hormone therapies (Part 1 and 2) (2h59)
    You will learn everything on :

    • The treatment of anxiety disorders by correcting hormone deficiencies with hormone supplements, an approach that may replace and even exceed the efficacy of traditional anxiolytics by treating the (hormone) cause(s) and not only the consequence of anxiety with less risk of side effects.
    • The scientific data for the 5 major hormone therapies that reduce anxiety, such as GH, testosterone, progesterone, melatonin, and oxytocin. For each of these hormones, the following is specified:
      • What type of anxiety they provide (how strongly and when it impacts the patient’s mind and body)
      • The evidence that shows that low levels of these hormones are associated with significant increases in anxiety and worries
      • Studies that demonstrate the presence of lower levels of these hormones in anxiety disorders
      • The sedation that may appear with supplementation with these hormones.
    • Strong data and practical information for other hormones that may reduce anxiety, such as estrogen (in women), thyroid, DHEA, cortisol, and
    • Hormone excesses that may increase anxiety, such as hyperthyroidism, estrogen predominance, etc.
    • Which spiritual lacks may promote the occurrence of anxiety disorders and how spiritual readjustment may contribute to restoring inner peace
  2. Depressive disorders: Hormone therapies (part 1): Thyroid, estrogen, testosterone in men and in women (2h21)
    You will learn everything on :

    • New insight into the treatment of depressive disorders by correcting hormone deficiencies with hormone supplements, an approach that may replace and even exceed in efficacy of traditional antidepressants by treating the (hormone) cause and not only the consequence of depression, and this with less risk of side effects.
    • Abundant scientific data for the 5 major hormone therapies that reduce depressive disorders, such as thyroid, estrogens, testosterone, GH, and For each of these hormones, the following is specified:
      • what type of depression they provide (how severely and when they impact the patient’s mind and body)
      • the evidence that shows that low levels of these hormones are associated with significant increases in depressive symptoms
      • the evidence of the presence of lower levels of these hormones in depressive disorders
      • and the mood enhancement that may be obtained with supplementation with these hormones.
    • Strong data and practical information are provided for other hormone therapies that may reduce depression, such as DHEA, melatonin, and oxytocin.
    • Hormone excesses that may trigger or increase anxiety, such as hyperthyroidism, progesterone excess, etc.
    • Which spiritual uneasiness may promote the occurrence of depressive disorders and how spiritual readjustment may also contribute to restoring a good mood.
  3. Depressive disorders: Hormone therapies (part 2): Cortisol, DHEA, aldosterone, growth hormone, melatonin, oxytocin (2h31)
    You will learn everything on :

    • New insight into the treatment of depressive disorders by correcting hormone deficiencies with hormone supplements, an approach that may replace and even exceed in efficacy of traditional antidepressants by treating the (hormone) cause and not only the consequence of depression, and this with less risk of side effects.
    • Abundant scientific data for the 5 major hormone therapies that reduce depressive disorders, such as thyroid, estrogens, testosterone, GH, and For each of these hormones, the following is specified:
      • what type of depression they provide (how severely and when they impact the patient’s mind and body)
      • the evidence that shows that low levels of these hormones are associated with significant increases in depressive symptoms
      • the evidence of the presence of lower levels of these hormones in depressive disorders
      • and the mood enhancement that may be obtained with supplementation with these hormones.
    • Strong data and practical information are provided for other hormone therapies that may reduce depression, such as DHEA, melatonin, and
    • Hormone excesses that may trigger or increase anxiety, such as hyperthyroidism, progesterone excess, etc.
    • Which spiritual uneasiness may promote the occurrence of depressive disorders and how spiritual readjustment may also contribute to restoring a good mood
  4. Low stress resistance: Hormone Therapy (3h06)
    You will learn everything on :

    • New insight in the treatment of one of the most frequent complaints in a medical consultation, namely an excessive sensitivity to stress, by correcting the hormone deficits with hormone supplementation, an approach that may replace and even exceed in efficacy traditional calming drugs given in stressed patients by treating the (hormone) cause(s) and not only the consequence(s) of an excessive sensitivity to stress (or low stress resistance).
    • Abundant scientific data for the 4 major hormone therapies that improve stress resistance and reduce the associated irritability, such as cortisol, growth hormone, progesterone, and For each of these hormones the following is investigated:
      • the type of stress oversensitivity that they provide (how and when it impacts on the patient’s mind and body) is detailed
      • the scientific evidence is provided that shows association of low levels of these hormones with significant increases in stressful feelings
      • the studies that show the presence of lower levels of these hormones in stress disorders
      • Also, the trials that show the improved stress resistance that may be obtained with supplementation with these hormones.
    • Strong data and practical information is provided for other hormone therapies that may improve the resistance to stress, such as with DHEA, testosterone, and oxytocin.
    • Hormone excesses that make people stressed, such as hyperthyroidism, estrogen predominance, testosterone excess, etc.
    • Which spiritual uneasiness may promote the occurrence of stressful feelings and how spiritual readjustment may also contribute to make people better cope with stress.
  5. Autism and schizophrenia: Hormone therapies (3h27)
    You will learn everything on :

    • New insights in the treatment of autism spectrum and schizophrenic disorders by correcting hormone deficiencies with hormone supplements, an approach that is adjuvant to traditional antipsychotics and in some cases may replace them by treating the (hormone) cause(s) and not only the consequence of psychotic disorders.
    • The two disorders co-occur more frequently than would be predicted by their respective prevalence, suggesting that a complex, multifactor association is involved.
    • Abundant scientific data is reviewed for the 4 major hormone therapies that reduce depressive disorders, such as oxytocin, thyroid, growth hormone, and For each of these hormones, the following is examined:
      • what type of autistic or schizophrenic disorder they provide (how and when it impacts on the patient’s mind and body) is detailed,
      • the evidence that shows that low levels of these hormones being associated with significant increases of autistic or schizophrenic symptoms
      • the evidence of presence of lower levels of these hormones in these disorders
      • the trials where reduction of autistic and schizophrenic symptoms, were obtained with hormone supplementation.
    • Interesting data and practical information for other hormones that may improve autistic and schizophrenic disorders, such as melatonin, DHEA, and progesterone.
    • Hormone excess that may trigger psychotic episodes, namely cortisol excess
    • Which spiritual uneasiness may promote the occurrence of autistic and schizophrenic disorders and how spiritual readjustment may also contribute to restore a good psyche.
  6. Patient Cases (47 mins)
    • The cases of patients help the physician to apply his/her knowledge and acquire experience in diagnosing hormone deficiencies associated to anxiety, depression, low stress resistance, and psychosis based on medical history, symptoms, signs and laboratory tests. The physician also increases his/her know-how and competence in selecting the adequate hormone supplementations for his patient. Patient cases are a must for the modules as they provide the most practical information on how to apply well the theory and recommendations proposed in the previous sessions.

Explore an overview of the course in the video below:



The fourth module consists of 6 courses (15h11) that detail the appropriate hormone treatments for the following pathologies: anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, low-stress resistance, autism, and, schizophrenia.

    • online video course
    • available 24/7 in your private account
    • view or download slides
    • auto enrollment
    • one time fee
    • secure payment