Cycle 2 – Module 2 – Adrenal Hormone Therapies

The second module on adrenal hormone therapies consists of 6 courses and 12h of videos.
Each of the six courses is available for life, including 1 video lecture, 1 PDF learning support, and 1 scientific reference file.


Each course can be purchased individually by clicking on the titles below.

  1. Cortisol Diagnosis (2h12)
    You will learn everything on :

    • The essentiality of cortisol; not only to feel good and be healthy, but also to stay alive.
    • The daily cortisol production, the age-related dysfunction of the hypothalamo-pituitary- adrenal-cortisol axis, and the age-related decline in glucocorticoid receptors in the target cells. Data is given that suggests the high frequency of cortisol deficiency.
    • The diagnosis of cortisol deficiency based on patient’s answers to questionnaires and an interview on personal antecedents, psychological and physical complaints of cortisol deficiency, and presence of adverse factors, events, and diseases.
    • Scientific references on the various diseases that are associated with low cortisol levels from burnout and chronic fatigue syndrome to bulimia, Alzheimer’s disease to multiple sclerosis, to infections, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and higher mortality, and many more.
    • The physical signs of cortisol deficiency prenatally (in utero), in childhood, in early and late adulthood: hyperpigmentation and inflammatory signs, at the level of the skin, face, lips, gums, joints, on the scalp hair, face, trunk, abdomen, hands and feet, etc.
    • Which laboratory tests to request: serum, saliva, 24-hour urine, and how to interpret them in function of the reference range with an overview of studies showing low serum cortisol tests within the reference range associated with disease.
  2. Cortisol Treatment (2h22)
    You will learn everything on :

    • The beneficial actions of cortisol on energy, blood pressure, and inflammation.
    • Lifestyle (sun, light, meditation) and dietary adjustments (the right foods and drinks) that patients can introduce to optimize cortisol levels.
    • How supplements of other hormones can increase or decrease cortisol levels, making physicians able to prevent these imbalances in cortisol levels and activity when using these other hormone supplements.
    • Indications for glucocorticoid treatments. The crucial data on bioidentical hydrocortisone and non-bio-identical glucocorticoids is exposed: best products, routes and the best time of administration, various treatment tips.
    • Cortisol overdose signs.
    • How to adjust the type and dose of glucocorticoids to stress and disease for fatigue, stress, burnout, obesity, flu, sepsis, inflammatory disease, gastritis, gastric ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, allergies, pain, cancer, myocardial infarction, fertility, diabetes, osteopenia, body hair overgrowth, hyperthyroidism.
    • How to overcome drops in the cortisol level when taking DHEA, aldosterone/fludrocortisone, and growth hormone.
  3. DHEA Diagnosis (2h12)
    You will learn everything on :

    • The actions, productions, and high serum levels of DHEA (sulfate).
    • The fact that with age, there is a rapid, progressive decline in the hypothalamo-pituitary- adrenal-DHEA axis resulting in an increasingly greater DHEA deficiency.
    • The diagnosis of DHEA deficiency based on questionnaires and an interview on psychological and physical complaints.
    • The scientific studies that show various diseases to be associated with low DHEA levels from lipid disorders to atherosclerosis, arterial and pulmonary hypertension, coronary heart disease myocardial infarction, heart failure, metabolic syndrome, obesity, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, lupus, osteopenia, inflammation, virus infections, bacterial and parasite infections, cancer, Alzheimer’s diseases, higher mortality, and several other disorders.
    • The physical signs of DHEA deficiency at puberty, in early and late adulthood at the level of the skin, eyes, muscles, joints, body hair of armpits and pubic area, abdomen.
    • Which laboratory tests to request: serum, saliva, 24-hour urine, and on how to interpret them in the function of the studies that show low serum DHEA sulfate tests within the reference range to be linked to disease.
  4. DHEA treatment (2h15)
    You will learn everything on :

    • DHEA, Androstenedione and 7-keto-DHEA supplementation
    • The dietary adjustments (the right foods and drinks) that patients can introduce to optimize DHEA levels.
    • How to treat with DHEA supplements with the critical information on DHEA doses for men and women, the best route and the best time of administration, and various treatment tips.
    • DHEA overdose signs
    • How to adjust the type and dose of DHEA to acne, body hair overgrowth, and scalp hair loss is explained.
    • The beneficial effects of 7-keto-DHEA on the immune system, memory loss, cancer, and obesity (fat-reducing effects).
    • For 7-keto-DHEA supplementation, the efficient doses and the oral route of administration.
    • The beneficial effects of androstenedione therapy or high levels on sex hormone levels, especially in women, possible beneficial effects on breast cancer tumors, etc.
    • For androstenedione supplementation, the doses and oral route of administration.
  5. Aldosterone and Pregnenolone (Part 1 and 2) (2h01)
    You will learn everything on :

    • Aldosterone and pregnenolone supplementation
    • The beneficial roles of aldosterone on water retention and maintenance of sufficient blood pressure and the age-related decline in aldosterone levels.
    • The diagnosis of aldosterone deficiency.
    • The fact that sufficient salt, water, and activity are necessary for aldosterone-deficient patients to feel better.
    • Fludrocortisone and more rarely the bioidentical aldosterone are supplemented to correct aldosterone deficiency. In this session, the best routes and time of administration are examined. During follow-up, special care should be applied to avoid aldosterone overdose signs.
    • The diagnosis of pregnenolone deficiency.
    • The fact that pregnenolone supplementation can improve memory loss by various mechanisms, including increased levels of acetylcholine, but they are several other mechanisms of importance. Pregnenolone can be supplemented to correct pregnenolone deficiency. The best doses, routes, and times of administration for pregnenolone are here provided.
  6. Patient cases (58 mins)
    You will learn everything on :

    • Several cases of patients that are presented help physicians apply their knowledge and acquire experience in detecting cortisol DHEA, aldosterone, and/or pregnenolone deficiencies based on medical history, symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests.
    • The physicians also increase their know-how and competence in selecting adequate hormone supplementations for the patient.
    • These patient cases are a must for the module as they provide the most practical information on how to apply well the theory and recommendations proposed in the previous sessions.


Explore an overview of the course in the video below:


The second module consists of 6 courses (12h) that detail the diagnosis and treatment of adrenal hormones such as cortisol, DHEA, aldosterone, and, pregnenolone.

    • online video course
    • available 24/7 in your private account
    • view or download slides
    • auto enrollment
    • one time fee
    • secure payment
  • Reference: EBHT2_2.