Module 7 – Melatonin Supplementation

The seventh module on melatonin supplementation consists of 4 courses and 9h07 of videos.
Each of the four courses is available for life, including 1 video lecture, 1 PDF learning support, and 1 scientific reference file.
Spanish subtitles are included / Subtítulos en español disponibles para estos cursos.


Each course can be purchased individually by clicking on the titles below.

    1. Melatonin deficiency: Diagnosis (1h23)
      You will learn everything on :

      • How to diagnose melatonin deficiency by medical history, physical signs and symptoms of deficiency, and laboratory tests
      • How to interpret 24-hour urine laboratory test results in patients with accuracy and be able to understand abnormal levels of 6-sulfatoxymelatonin, etc.
      • The impact of melatonin deficiency and supplementation on somatic diseases.
      • The scientific studies that support this information
    2. Melatonin deficiency: Treatment (1h48)
      You will learn everything on :

      • What lifestyle, dietary changes, and nutritional supplements may improve melatonin levels and you will be able to apply this information in your practice.
      • How to administer melatonin or melatonin precursor supplements to patients, personalizing the dose to their needs, deficiency, and condition, overcoming pitfalls.
      • How to adjust melatonin levels to jet lag.
      • How to detect any sign or symptom of melatonin overdose, and, if this is the case, recommend a correct dose reduction.
      • The scientific studies that support this information, including the double-blind placebo-controlled trials.
    3. Adjusting melatonin treatment to disease (3h56)
      You will learn everything on :

      • The various disorders melatonin deficiency may facilitate and that melatonin supplementation may reverse in melatonin-deficient patients.
      • How to recognize the medical conditions that require adjustments of the dose and timing of melatonin treatments.
      • How to improve your skills in adjusting the dose and type of melatonin preparation to adapt to disease and the personal sensitivity of the patient.
      • How to adapt melatonin treatment to specific medical conditions, such as acute and chronic stress, children, old age, melatonin hypersensitivity, shift work, delayed sleep phase syndrome, seasonal affective disorder, depression, anxiety disorders, adrenal deficiency, cardiac disease, stroke, hypertension, lipid disorders, cancer, etc.
      • The scientific studies that support this information, including the double-blind placebo-controlled trials
    4. Melatonin therapy: Its potential to treat disease (2h)
      You will learn everything on :

      • Updated scientific information on the anti-infectious properties of melatonin: benefits and limits
      • The anti-cancer properties of melatonin: benefits and limits
      • The cardioprotective and stroke-opposing properties of melatonin: benefits and limits
      • The scientific studies that support this information, including double-blind placebo-controlled trials.

Explore an overview of the course in the video below:


The seventh module consists of 4 lectures (9h07) that detail the diagnosis and treatment of melatonin supplementation. Spanish subtitles are available for these courses.

    • online video course
    • available 24/7 in your private account
    • view or download slides
    • auto enrollment
    • one time fee
    • secure payment
  • Reference: EBHT_7.