Cycle 2 – Module 5 : Longevity: Hormone and Nutritional therapies

The fifth module on longevity consists of 7 courses and 16h26 of videos.
Each of the seven courses is available for life, including 1 video lecture, 1 PDF learning support, and 1 scientific reference file.


Each course can be purchased individually by clicking on the titles below.

    1. Longevity factors and pharmaceutical drugs to live longer (2h39)
      You will learn everything on :

      • The scientific data and useful practical tips on longevity factors.
      • Pharmaceutical drugs, such as metformin and several others, which may extend life.
      • Practical tips, doses, etc.
    2. Diet, Foods and Drinks to live longer (3h51)
      You will learn everything on :

      • How to improve lifestyle and diet to live longer.
      • The fact that diets that may increase the human lifespan are amongst others the low-calorie diet, intermittent fasting, the Paleolithic diet, the Mediterranean diet, the Okinawa diet, the ketogenic diet, possibly but not for sure the vegetarian and vegan diets, etc. Diets that may shorten lifespan are the Western diet, junk foods, etc.
      • Pollutants that shorten lifespan (small particle pollution, car exhausts, heavy metals, pesticides, sick building syndrome, electromagnetic pollution, etc.)
      • Practical tips, doses, etc.
    3. Centenarian longevity factors and psychological attitudes to live longer (2h59)
      You will learn everything on :

      • The beneficial psychological and spiritual attitudes of centenarians supported with scientific data provides not only a good know-how but also a good feeling and deep respect for active centenarians.
      • The fact that centenarians already lived more than 2000 years ago. Many Greek poets lived a very long life. Mythic regions known for their high numbers of centenarians such as in Ecuador, Japan, Georgia, Pakistan, etc. are investigated and their common characteristics are analyzed to extract the knowledge we need to acquire to help patients live longer. Supercentenarians are also examined.
      • Practical information with tips to apply
    4. Centenarian hormone & nutritional levels (1h02)
      You will learn everything on :

      • The fact that centenarians already lived more than 2000 years ago. Many Greek poets lived a very long life. Mythic regions known for their high numbers of centenarians such as in Ecuador, Japan, Georgia, Pakistan, etc. are investigated and their common characteristics are analyzed to extract the knowledge we need to acquire to help patients live longer. Supercentenarians are also examined.
      • Observational studies of the diet and micronutrient and hormone statuses of centenarians are investigated and what they learn us for life extension is extracted.
      • Practical information with tips to apply are provided in this lecture.
    5. Hormone therapies to live longer: Growth Hormone and Thyroid (2h34)
      You will learn everything on :

      • How hormone deficiencies may increase mortality and how hormone supplements may, on the contrary, improve survival and extend life. This approach may for some individuals be one of the best ways to increase their life expectancy by treating the hormone causes of premature mortality.
      • An abundant number of observational studies that show low levels of growth hormone and thyroid to be associated with higher mortality.
      • Several trials where supplements of these hormones improve survival.
      • How higher levels of these hormones may reduce the mortality of a series of life-threatening conditions, such as myocardial infarction, stroke, AIDS, COVID19, sepsis, cancer, etc.
      • Practical tips, doses, and other important information
    6. Hormone therapies to live longer: Melatonin, DHEA, cortisol, aldosterone (1h42)
      You will learn everything on :

      • How hormone deficiencies may increase mortality and how hormone supplements may, on the contrary, improve survival and extend life. This approach may for some individuals be one of the best ways to increase their life expectancy by treating the hormone causes of premature mortality.
      • An abundant number of observational studies that show low levels of melatonin, DHEA, cortisol, aldosterone to be associated with higher mortality.
      • Several trials where supplements of these hormones improve survival.
      • How higher levels of these hormones may reduce the mortality of a series of life-threatening conditions, such as myocardial infarction, stroke, AIDS, COVID19, sepsis, cancer, etc.
      • Practical tips, doses, and other important information
    7. Hormone therapies to live longer: Estrogen & progesterone in women, testosterone in men & women (1h39)
      You will learn everything on :

      • How hormone deficiencies may increase mortality and how hormone supplements may, on the contrary, improve survival and extend life. This approach may for some individuals be one of the best ways to increase their life expectancy by treating the hormone causes of premature mortality.
      • An abundant number of observational studies that show low levels of estrogen & progesterone in women, testosterone in men & women to be associated with higher mortality.
      • Several trials are discussed where supplements of these hormones improve survival.
      • How higher levels of these hormones may reduce the mortality of a series of life-threatening conditions, such as myocardial infarction, stroke, AIDS, COVID19, sepsis, cancer, etc.
      • Practical tips, doses, and other important information.

Explore an overview of the course in the video below:



The fifth module consists of 7 courses (16h26) that detail tips that can help you live longer, including longevity factors and pharmaceutical drugs, diet recommendations, psychological attitudes, hormone levels, and, nutritional considerations.

    • online video course
    • available 24/7 in your private account
    • view or download slides
    • auto enrollment
    • one time fee
    • secure payment