Online video courses
Showing 41–60 of 211 results
Módulo 1 – Lección 1 – Infección: terapias dietéticas, ambientales y de estilo de vida (2h20)
En esta lección, aprenderá sobre: Factores ambientales y de estilo de vida: sequedad del aire, humedad, mascarillas, distanciamiento social, microbioma aerotransportado, contaminación. Dieta para mejorar la inmunidad: qué tomar y qué evitar en cuanto a carbohidratos, proteínas y grasas. Dieta para mejorar la inmunidad: qué tomar y qué evitar en cuanto a carbohidratos, proteínas y …
155.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Cycle 2 – Module 7: Cardiovascular disease and stroke: Hormone therapies
The seventh module consists of 7 courses (19h39) that detail the efficacy of hormone therapies for diseases such as hypercholesterolemia, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, cardiac arrhythmia and heart rate variability, heart failure, as well as the hormone therapies that help to prevent or decrease the damages of a stroke.
900.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Cycle 2 – Module 7 – Lecture 7 – Stroke: Hormone Therapies to prevent or decrease damage of stroke (2h52)
In this 2h52 lesson, explore groundbreaking and innovative solutions in the treatment of stroke by addressing hormone deficiencies with hormone supplements.
155.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Cycle 2 – Module 7 – Lecture 6 – Heart failure: The efficacy of Hormone therapies (2h50)
In this 2h50 lesson, xplore the hormone-related factors contributing to heart failure and delve into the potential of eight major hormone therapies to prevent or mitigate this condition.
155.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Cycle 2 – Module 7 – Lecture 5 – Cardiac arrhythmia & Heart rate variability: Hormone therapies (2h55)
In this 2h55 lesson, discover new insights and solutions in the treatment of heart rhythm disturbances and heart failure by correcting hormone deficiencies with hormone supplements.
155.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Cycle 2 – Module 7 – Lecture 4 – Coronary Heart Disease: The Hormone therapies that help prevent & relieve (2h58)
In this 2h58 lesson, discover new insights and solutions in the treatment of coronary heart disease and its most dangerous cardiac event, myocardial infarction, by correcting hormone deficiencies with hormone supplements.
155.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Cycle 2 – Module 7 – Lecture 3 – Arterial Hypertension: The efficacy of Hormone therapies (3h21)
In this 3h21 lesson, delve into new insights in the treatment of one of the most frequent complaints in a medical consultation, arterial hypertension, by correcting the hormone deficit(s) with hormone supplementation.
155.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Cycle 2 – Module 7 – Lecture 2 – Serum Triglycerides, Homocystein, Lipoprotein A, excesses: The efficacy of Hormone therapies (2h18)
In this 2h18 lesson, immerse yourself in new insights and innovative solutions for the treatment of lipid disorders with hormone supplements, which can offer viable alternatives to traditional treatments like statins, sometimes yielding comparable or even superior results.
155.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Cycle 2 – Module 7 – Lecture 1 – Hypercholesterolemia: The efficacy of Hormone therapies (2h25)
In this 2h25 course, discover new insights and solutions in the treatment of cholesterol disorders by correcting hormone deficiencies with hormone supplements.
155.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Цикл 1 – Модуль 3 – Лекция 2 – Обращение вспять физического старения : Основные виды гормональной терапии
Из этой лекции вы узнаете все о : + Вазопрессин + Женские и мужские гормоны + Избыток эстрогенов у мужчин + Щитовидная железа + Кортизол, ДГЭА, альдостерон + Механизмы, дозы, воздействие
350.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Цикл 1 – Модуль 3 – Лекция 1 – Обращение вспять физического старения : Диетическая, экологическая и пищевая терапия
Из этой лекции вы узнаете все о : + Здоровье = более молодой внешний вид + Изменение диеты (палео или веганская?), органическая? Снижение загрязнения токсинами, уменьшение электромагнитных полей, дома без токсинов и т.д. + Пищевая терапия, антиоксиданты, жирные кислоты, витамины, … + Изменение образа жизни: Физические упражнения, …
350.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Cycle 2 – Module 6 – Lecture 5 – Patient cases (1h30)
In this 1h30 lesson, you will discover how to effectively apply the knowledge acquired in previous sessions of the module to hormone treatments.
Cycle 2 – Module 6 – Lecture 4 – Oxytocin deficiency and treatment (2h07)
In this 2h07 lesson, delve into the hormone associated with friendliness, romanticism, orgasm, and attachment, offering insights into the treatment of autism spectrum and schizophrenic disorders, as well as various aspects of social interaction.
155.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Cycle 2 – Module 6 – Lecture 3: Hormone Therapies for Female Sexuality (2h17)
In this 2h17 lesson, explore effective treatments for sexual dysfunction in women through the correction of hormone deficiencies using hormone supplements
155.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Cycle 2 – Module 6 – Lecture 2 – Hormone Therapies that improve a Man’s Erectile function & related disorders (2h10)
In this 2h10 lesson, discover how probably the most potent hormone therapy to improve erectile function in men is MSH.
155.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Cycle 2 – Module 6 – Lecture 1 – Hormone Therapies that improve a Man’s sexuality (1h58)
In this 1h58 lesson, discover precious insights into the treatment of sexual disorders in men by correcting hormone deficiencies with hormone supplements, possibly the main and best treatments for sexual disorders.
155.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Cycle 2 – Module 6: Sexual disorders: Hormone therapies
The sixth module consists of 4 courses (10h02) that detail hormone therapies that improve a man’s sexuality, erectile function and associated disorders, as well as female sexuality.
600.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Cycle 2 – Module 5 – Lecture 7 – Hormone therapies to live longer: Estrogen & progesterone in women, testosterone in men & women (1h39)
In this 1h39 lesson, delve into an abundant number of observational studies that show low levels of estrogen & progesterone in women, testosterone in men & women can be associated with higher mortality.
155.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Cycle 2 – Module 5 – Lecture 6 – Hormone therapies to live longer: Melatonin, DHEA, cortisol, aldosterone (1h42)
In this 1h42 lesson, delve into a plethora of observational studies linking low levels of melatonin, DHEA, cortisol, and aldosterone with heightened mortality risk.
155.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Cycle 2 – Module 5 – Lecture 5 – Hormone therapies to live longer: Growth Hormone and Thyroid (2h34)
In this 2h34 lesson, delve into how hormone deficiencies can potentially increase mortality rates, while hormone supplements, conversely, may enhance survival and prolong life.
155.00 € details ENROLL NOW