Online video courses
Showing 201–211 of 211 results
Diabetes: Nutritional Therapies
The diets and nutritional therapies that may help prevent, relief or even cure diabetes
159.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Genital & Other Cancers: Nutritional Therapies
The nutritional therapies that may help prevent and slow down cancer development
249.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Stem Cell Therapies
Repopulate aging organs with new, young cells
159.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Better Life Psychology
Humor, spirituality, meditation, love and other tools to make the mind work better
299.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Male & Female Sexuality
Hormone, nutritional and surgical therapies to restore sexual function
339.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Physical Exercise
The basics to physical exercise and posture
79.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Pollution & Environmental Medicine
Survival guide-information to get out of the pollution that surrounds us
249.00 € details ENROLL NOW -
Life-Extending Peptides
Bio-regulating peptides to improve organ function and extend life
159.00 € details ENROLL NOW